Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 15:46
Today, we invited Medtronic Medical Affairs Manager, Kevin Kelleher, MSHI, RN, CDCES, who is also a father to a child living with type 1 diabetes, to break down what Time in Range is and why you should care about it.
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Friday, May 29, 2020 - 15:44
The current coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic has led to a lot of changes and readjustments in the daily lives of people and when you mix living with diabetes with it, it just all becomes overwhelming.
The world has come to days full of uncertainty, misinformation, and stressors and it is quite possible to get entangled in all of these emotions and feel lost. During times like these it’s natural to feel afraid, anxious, or threatened.
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Friday, January 10, 2020 - 02:41
Hi. I’m Sairekha Suresh. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 11 years of age. My diabetes is 24 years old.
I am an attorney, and I head the Bombay practice of an outfit that specializes in the prevention of sexual harassment in workplaces. Simply put, my work takes me to different cities across India to sometimes train clients, and sometimes mediate disputes. Dream job. Nightmarish schedules.
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Monday, September 9, 2019 - 11:36
There is no way around it: medical school is a challenge. A series of balancing acts, juggling lectures, clinical rounds, make sure you follow up on patients irrespective of how terribly sick you feel and then the never-ending exams. You are the doctor in training and there is no running away from reality!
I was trying every day to fit myself in the best possible puzzle balancing my own diabetes at one end and the incessant amount of learning in medical school. This was hard... very hard and now when I look back I sometimes wonder how did I balance all of that out.

Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 08:14
I have always loved travelling and riding motorcycles in the mountains. But is that even possible with type 1 diabetes ?? i had serious doubts when i was initially diagnosed.
My first trip after my diagnosis in sep 2011 was from Jalandhar to Haridwar, and trust me i was scared to hell. food, insulin, what if i experience a hypo on the train ??
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Friday, June 22, 2018 - 10:25
On December 2nd, 1996 my life unknowingly changed forever when I got diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I was only 9, a time when kids my age played doctor-doctor while I was actually injecting myself with insulin. I didn’t know anything about diabetes then. However, as years passed, I gained sufficient knowledge about this condition through seminars, readings, examples and experiences, learning even now about the ever changing nature of this condition.
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