For many people, exercise and playing sports is an important part of life. Having diabetes doesn’t have to change that. In fact, exercise can also play an essential role in the management of diabetes by improving circulation, reducing heart disease, and helping to control weight.
Managing diabetes during exercise will require some extra care and planning to ensure good control can be maintained.

I had started feeling very tired and everyone thought it was because I swam a lot but after being tested, it was revealed that I had type 1 diabetes. Since I started on Insulin Pump Therapy my health has improved a lot. I got confidence to exert myself more because I didn’t worry about any diabetic episodes.
- Eshant

In managing diabetes, it is important to take into consideration many factors, including glucose monitoring, carbohydrate intake, physical activities and insulin requirements to ensure good glucose control and to reduce the risk of complications.
It can be a challenge to reach and maintain the HbA1c goal while minimising the risk of hypoglycaemia. However, by understanding the body’s needs, including the effect of exercise, and learning how to keep blood glucose within recommended levels, it is possible to manage diabetes effectively.
To deal with the challenges of keeping blood glucose levels under better control, especially during exercise, many people with Type 1 diabetes rely on insulin pumps. Learn more about the MiniMed 780G System and Insulin Pump Therapy.
Hear real stories about Lifestyle and Exercise with an insulin pump.

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THE MiniMed®780G
Discover a system that closely mimics the way a healthy pancreas delivers basal insulin.
Discover how insulin pump therapy can give you the control you want in life.
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